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Full-Service Optometry Practice


Comprehensive Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are an important step towards eye health. They not only prevent eye disease, but also are a great aid in evaluating the overall health of our patients. Early detection provides for a choice of treatment options and reduces the risk of permanent damage.

We recommend routine comprehensive eye exam to evaluate the overall health of the eye and detect any changes that may be indicative of a vision disorder. These exams consist of a series of painless eye tests that examine all aspects of the eye.

The eye exams are conducted in the doctor’s office and are safe for all patients. Based on the findings of the exam, we will develop a treatment plan to best suit your individual needs.

Contact Lens Exams and Fittings

We provide an extensive array of brands and contact lens modalities to fit any person's lifestyle. Based on exam findings, our doctors will recommend and prescribe the best and healthiest fit for each person's visual needs and wants. 


Laser Vision Correction Co-management

Are you tired of waking up in the morning unable to see clearly? Imagine the time you could save by not having to wear contact lenses everyday.  If you are considering this exciting alternative to eyeglasses or contact lenses, wouldn't it be helpful to have a much clearer view of how to proceed to the next step? At Trojan Eye Center, in partnership with our laser eye surgeons, we will provide an independent, objective opinion on how to best achieve vision correction to fit your lifestyle.


Retina Evaluations

A dilated fundus exam is part of the comprehensive exam and will detect any systemic health problems along with recent eye trauma symptoms. 


Glaucoma Evaluations

Glaucoma is an eye disease that affects the optic nerve and eventually can damage it if not treated early. The optic nerve is what sends visual messages to the brain and without this, vision can be impaired. Glaucoma often does not have any symptoms that are noticeable until the disease has progressed. A routine eye examination can help diagnosis glaucoma early before permanent damage is done to the optic nerve. 


Dry Eyes / Surface Disorders

Dry arid conditions here in SoCal can exacerbate the underlying dry eye disease. A comprehensive eye exam will detect and treat this usually chronic condition. 


Macular Degeneration

In the United States, Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of fifty. It is a condition that causes deterioration of the macula, a small section of the retina that is responsible for sharp, central vision. Our team of doctors and specialists will evaluate the overall health and structure and detect any early signs and symptoms of this disease. 

Cataract Evaluations

A cataract is a common condition that causes clouding of the eye’s normally clear, natural lens leading to a decrease in vision.

Simply put, a cataract is a cloudy lens.

Millions of people, including more than half of all Americans over the age of 65, are affected each year. Symptoms of cataracts often include:

  • Blurred or hazy vision

  • Double vision

  • Poor vision in bright light

  • Seeing halos around lights

  • Poor vision at night

  • Yellowish tinged vision

  • Frequent changes in eyeglasses or contact lens prescription

A thorough examination and series of tests are the only ways to diagnose a cataract. A dilated eye exam is usually necessary so that your optometrist may examine the lens and other structures of the eye.


Droopy lids, Eyelid Lesions

Do you feel self-conscious about your eyes, eyelids or eyebrows? Trojan Eye Center's ophthalmic plastic surgery team is ready to help you improve your appearance and restore your self-confidence.

Cosmetic eye surgery may not be medically necessary, but it can drastically improve your feelings about yourself as well as your mental health.


Ocular Allergies

Evaluations and treatments for itchy, red, irritated eyes